Greetings! My name is Salsabilla Sasha, a third year student in IUP Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. I am one out of seven students that are currently pursuing an exchange year in Rikjsuniversiteit Groningen, a Dutch for University of Groningen. So far, to study abroad has been the greatest experience in my life, where I get to meet a whole lot new faces, cultures and routines. Without any exaggeration, this experience is slowly, but surely, making me into a better and independent person.
This exchange opportunity is very priceless for me personally, and I wouldn’t have it any easier without the guidance from International Undergraduate Program in Faculty of Psychology. University of Groningen is one out of many official university partners to Universitas Gadjah Mada, which makes us, the exchange students here, being helpfully supervised academic-wise.
This experience is not better be explained by words, but to be experienced alone. To all of you prospective students, let’s join us to feel the challenging but very exciting opportunity to study abroad with International Undergraduate Program in Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada.