On Thursday, 16 January 2024, IUP Psychology conducted a seminar with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the event titled “Undergraduate Final Year Project International Seminar 2024”. In this seminar, three students of IUP Psychology participated as speakers where they briefly presented their thesis. The first participant, Ni Putu Sitha, presented her thesis about sleep deprivation, with the title “The Effect of Moderate Sleep Deprivation on Working Memory Performance.” Her experience was both enlightening and engaging. The virtual platform provided an opportunity to connect with a diverse audience interested in the world of research and, of course, the intricate relationship between sleep and cognitive function.
Gendis Puan, often known as Dissy, is a student from IUP Batch 2020. Recently, Dissy joined a committee and internship program at HIMPSI, with guidance from Dr. Edilburga Wulan Saptandari from the Educational Psychology Course. Before becoming an intern, Dissy joined a committee for an event at HIMPSI. There are various benefits to joining this committee, from gaining experience and enhancing relationships with people in the field of psychology. After the committee, Dissy got offered to join an internship program as an assistant for Dr. Edilburga Wulan Saptandari in HIMPSI. Therefore, Dissy got to work in Compartment B at HIMPSI. The workloads involve a variety of tasks that comprise the essence of what a proficient assistant would undertake, which include composing letters, organizing comprehensive rundowns, refining documents, making reservations, taking notes, and ensuring that the flow of communication between both parties remains efficient during meetings.
The Psychology Department at State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, conducted a writing competition for the year 2023. The writings are incorporated in a journal titled Jurnal Psikologi Integratif. One of the IUP Psychology students batch 2019, Beatrice Febe Fedolina, with guidance from Mrs. Edilburga Wulan Saptandari as her supervisor, participated in the competition and successfully won the 2nd Best Article. The title of her article is “Perceived Social Support as a Predictor of Acculturative Stress Among Indonesian Exchange Students in Europe.” Although studying abroad seems very interesting and exciting, the number of changes and differences students need to adapt to could make them feel overwhelmed and eventually stressed. Acculturative stress is a decrease in ethnic minorities’ mental health and well-being that occurs throughout the process of adapting to a new culture. Many factors affect students’ acculturative stress levels; one example is the social support they receive from their surroundings. The findings from prior studies have demonstrated that social support is a positive coping mechanism for dealing with stress and psychological adjustment by improving functioning and acting as a buffer against adverse outcomes. To fill a gap in the literature on Asian international students’ acculturative stress levels, specifically those who originated from Indonesia, this research was conducted to determine whether perceived social support predicts students’ acculturative stress levels.
One of the IUP Psychology students batch 2022, Asma Ningrum Abdurrahman was given the incredible opportunity to compete in a prestigious Model United Nations (MUN) competition in Singapore. Asma is a member of the UGM Model United Nations Community. She registered with the International Delegation in Singapore MUN and was appointed World Health Assembly. The delegates must create a resolution related to ‘The Question of Substandard and Falsified Drugs’ and ‘The Question of the Protection of Healthcare Workers. Asma is assigned as the delegate of the Republic of Mauritius. The conference lasted four days, from 6 until 9 June 2023. After speeches and debates, Asma is overjoyed to be chosen as a competition winner, being the first Honorable Mention in the World Health Assembly Council. For Asma, it was a challenging and rewarding experience that required her complete commitment and participation throughout the event, primarily since she represents herself as a Gadjah Mada University student.
On the 4th & 11th November, IUP students batch 2020 had their field study for Psychology & Culture course. The activity was conducted in Taman Dolanan with the purpose of visiting the Jamlang Gentong Community. Jamblang Gentong is a community which has a vision of developing a cultural tourist spot that is capable of conserving traditional games. The community has various activities such as ecoprint, musical performances which use several kinds of wastes as their costumes materials during their performance. From these activities, they encourage the society and their surroundings to implement a sustainable and eco friendly lifestyle. In Taman Dolanan, the students were also introduced to various traditional games and they were also capable of participating in the conduct of traditional games. The students started to observe the surroundings of Taman Dolan by acknowledging the activities of the society, villages, and schools.