Alumni Story – Masniary Hapsari

Masniary Hapsari ‘Oik’ was a student in IUP Psychology from Batch 2017. After graduating from IUP Psychology in 2021, she needed clarification about the career she wanted to pursue. She tried to explore career opportunities in Psychology and finally became an assistant psychologist at Biro Psikologi Intuisi, Yogyakarta. Nearing the end of the contract, she realized that she loved working with children, especially those with disabilities. This aligns with her prior motivation to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in the first place. On the other hand, she also wanted to continue further education and immediately recognized the urgency of finding a financial sponsorship to ease her parents. She tried to apply for the Chevening Scholarship, but it didn’t turn out how she hoped. Feeling down, she realized that experiences are necessary for pursuing a master’s degree.  read more