Student Exchange Interview – Manar Al-Ogaidi

Manar Al-Ogaidi is an exchange student from Macquarie University. Manar’s student exchange program was at the international undergraduate psychology program in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Courses she completed included: Community Empowerment and Psychoeducation, Psychology of Communication, Mental Health, Psychology of Marriage and Family, Psychology and Culture, Psychology of Disaster and Crisis, Psychology of Emotion and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

She really loved the new learning environment! She felt extremely welcomed and comfortable from the first time she arrived. She really appreciated how they were given the ‘feels at home away from home’ T-shirts when they first arrived too! Those kind, unforgettable gestures from both peers and teaching staff continued throughout her time at Jogja and in UGM. She also found the classrooms really interesting as they reminded her of a highschool layout. She loved that since the class seemed close together, which is different to her uni classes in Sydney with a cohort of over 1000.  read more