Study Exchange Experience – University of Groningen: Campus Fryslan Devina Maharani

For Vina, her exchange studies took place in Leeuwarden, Netherlands at the University of Groningen: Campus Fryslan. She took five courses namely Explaining Human Behaviour, Homes and Car: GRL Homes and Cars: Technologies, Citizens and the Energy Transition, Language and Culture, Psychological Perspectives on Leadership, and lastly, Diversity, Intersectionality and Global Health. All the courses were taught in English as the program also involved international students from outside of the Netherlands. She was a bit hesitant and scared when she first knew about the courses that were offered as not many were directly related to the major that she followed in UGM which is Psychology. But once the classes started, it was actually very interesting to learn some things that she would never encounter as a Psychology major. It was also exciting to be able to have many discussions about different cultures and even share about Indonesia to other students in those classes. read more