Three students from IUP Psychology 2021, Naida Ghozalba, Radia Maharani, and Aidine Afiga, successfully took part in the 2nd Thailand International Conference (TICP) to present their research findings. In March 2023, they got a broadcast from WhatsApp regarding the conduct of an international conference that will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on August 4, 2023, titled the 2nd Thailand International Conference on Psychology (TICP) 2023. The conference’s main topic is Psychology for Health and Well-being in the BANI World. They must join a selection to be the presenter by conducting research, creating the abstract, and sending it as the selection material. They can present their research at the event if the abstract is accepted. At first, Naida was interested, but she felt hesitant about joining the event. A few days after getting the broadcast message, Naida was talking with Aidine and Tani about the conference, and it turns out they were interested in joining it.
Afterward, they contacted the IUP administration to inform them they were interested in joining the conference and conducting the selection process. Naida, Aidine, and Radia conducted research with the same topic but a different sub-topic as they proposed to be in the same panel together related to character education and well-being, with the help of Ms. Elga and Ms. Yayi as the chair, and Ms. Mufit as the co-chair of the panel presentation. Naida researched ‘Effectiveness of School Routine Religious Rituals in Enhancing Students’ Psychological Resilience Conducted In Edu Global Middle and High School’. In contrast, Aidine conducted research about ‘Service Learning Experiences: A Study on the Awareness of Psychological Well-Being on Students in Jogja Green School’, and Radia researched ‘Exploring the Program of Special Interest Class on Students’ Character Development and Wellbeing in Jogja Green School’. After they finished the research, they analyzed their data to create their conclusion and wrote the abstract to be sent as material to the selection.
After enough time of waiting, they were informed through email that their research was accepted to be presented in TICP. They departed to Bangkok on the 2nd of August as the conference is on 4 August, at Chulalongkorn University. The conference started with opening speeches and a keynote speech from a source person with few insights. Afterward, the presenters entered the presentation hall and conducted their presentations alternately. In their panel, the first presenter is Naida, the second is Radia, and the last is Aidine.
Consequently, there was also a Q&A session, and they thoroughly answered all the questions. At the end of the session, they got a certificate as a form of appreciation from Chulalongkorn University. After successfully conducting their research presentation at TICP, they returned to Indonesia on 6 August.