On Friday, 29 September 2023, the class of Psychology of Disaster and Crisis had a field study at Papringan, Yogyakarta, where they linked up with the Disaster Management and Community Service Unit of Gereja Kristen Jawa Ambarrukma, often known as PB Palma. The PB Palma established a flood early warning system (EWS) around river areas which serves its purpose to detect the river’s water level. The purpose of this field study is to introduce the students to an invention made by the local community which has a prominent value to several areas in Yogyakarta, specifically areas around rivers that are prone to be caught in a flood. One of the river areas that is surrounded by houses that might cause a risk of flood is the Gajah Wong River.
When the students arrived at Gajah Wong, they were welcomed by the leader of Gajah Wong Care Unit, Pak Budi. The students are introduced to the local residences of Gajah Wong where each house is labeled with stickers as a sign that they have a marginalized individual at their home (e.g., elderly, pregnant mother, disabled people). The purpose of the label is to prioritize which residence that most importantly needs to be evacuated.
Besides establishing the early warning system (EWS), the community also developed a form of awareness encouragement by making a banner for prospering the surrounding environment such as the preservation of local fish and waste disposal. The community also elaborated on applying the early warning system (EWS).