On 24 November 2023, the class of Mental Disorder course embarked on a compelling field trip to RSJ Soerojo Magelang, a hospital renowned for its specialization in caring for mentally impaired patients. The experience provided a unique opportunity for students to explore the complexities of treating and managing individuals with mental disabilities. The students were granted the chance to explore the corridors of RSJ Soerojo Magelang, where they could visit various facilities and wards specifically designed for the care and treatment of mentally impaired patients.
Through direct involvement, they could observe the wide range of environments and resources specifically designed to cater to the unique requirements of the individuals receiving care at the hospital directly. A valuable part of the field trip was the opportunity for students to interact with caregivers and patients. The interactions were enlightening as students could inquire about the methods used by caregivers and gain insights into the situations they regularly face. Such direct involvement facilitated a more profound comprehension of the difficulties and successes linked to delivering mental health care.
The caregivers at RSJ Soerojo Magelang willingly conveyed their extensive knowledge to the students. The caregivers presented a wide spectrum of information, including discussions on treatment methodologies and personal stories about their experiences in mental health care. Students developed a deep understanding and admiration for the commitment and empathy needed to provide care for individuals with mental disabilities. In addition to exploring the current aspects of mental health care, the students also examined the historical background of RSJ Soerojo Magelang throughout the years. This immersive educational experience made a fruitful impression, providing students with valuable knowledge that goes beyond the borders of the classroom to the field of empathetic and experienced caregiving.