In the new academic year of 2022/2023 during the odd semester, IUP Psychology has successfully opened their gates to welcome exchange students from outside of the country. The students are mostly from countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Australia. The exchange students are capable of joining several courses that are offered alongside with the other IUP students in accordance with their interests. To welcome the exchange students, our faculty were preparing a welcome event for them in order to shape their knowledge regarding the culture in Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta and the rules and regulations in the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University. The first event was held on 10th & 12th August 2022 through Zoom meeting with the main topic of discussing the Introduction to IUP and Explanation of the Academic Regulation. On the second day, 12th of August, the topic of Cultural Values in Indonesia was discussed with Ms. Metta and Ms. Nuning. There are several cultural values that were presented, including important phrases that can be used on daily basis, sexual violence, and local traditions. The event ended with the hope that the exchange students will be able to adapt with the new environment and enjoy their stay in Yogyakarta, especially in conducting their study in IUP Psychology, Gadjah Mada University.
The second series of the event is where exchange students get to experience Indonesian culture and food through several activities provided by the faculty and accompanied with the other students from Gadjah Mada University. The first activity of the event is the introduction of Gamelan to the exchange students. The activity was held in the auditorium of Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University and the exchange students were accompanied by the other IUP students and staff. The activity was conducted in order for the exchange students to acquire knowledge of Indonesian culture through its traditional music.
The next activity was a lunch in Raminten, a famous restaurant in Yogyakarta where exchange students were introduced to the traditional Indonesian cuisine.
The last activity was a visit to Ullen Sentalu, a culture and art museum in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta which displays various cultural objects related to the history of Indonesian culture from the variety of batik, artifacts, relics, and traditional outfits and accessories. The purpose of the series of events is to introduce the cultural values and diversities of Indonesian culture from various aspects to the society from outside the country to an extent that Indonesian culture could be recognized internationally.