Today, we are going to chat with Faiz! An IUP Student from batch 2021 who had recently won a national essay competition in Kediri. The competition was held by a private university in Kediri, with the central theme of business innovation. The participants have to come up with ideas about business plans which have the best responses in addressing challenges of the economic circumstances in era 5.0. Even though the theme is quite different from psychology, Faiz still applies some psychological aspects to his business plan. He integrated elements from economics, business, and technology into psychology in developing mental health ads for workers and how it could also be implemented in institutions. Faiz is interested in business economics since those topics are relevant in our daily life. As a psychology student, it is also essential to study in other fields outside psychology since integrating psychology with different areas could further enhance the limitations of psychology from a broader perspective. It could also develop psychology as an aspect that would be more beneficial for society. According to Faiz, psychology is a flexible field of study to integrate with other areas. He encourages us to obtain other knowledge, whether it’s programming, editing, languages, marketing, etc., to develop further opportunities for an individual to explore. Faiz’s motivation in joining the competition is to challenge himself to be more creative and innovative and get out of his comfort zone and be more adaptable to various life situations.
Check out the podcast on our Instagram for further inspirations and experiences from Faiz! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cd2dn49l556/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=