The Psychology Department at State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, conducted a writing competition for the year 2023. The writings are incorporated in a journal titled Jurnal Psikologi Integratif. One of the IUP Psychology students batch 2019, Beatrice Febe Fedolina, with guidance from Mrs. Edilburga Wulan Saptandari as her supervisor, participated in the competition and successfully won the 2nd Best Article. The title of her article is “Perceived Social Support as a Predictor of Acculturative Stress Among Indonesian Exchange Students in Europe.” Although studying abroad seems very interesting and exciting, the number of changes and differences students need to adapt to could make them feel overwhelmed and eventually stressed. Acculturative stress is a decrease in ethnic minorities’ mental health and well-being that occurs throughout the process of adapting to a new culture. Many factors affect students’ acculturative stress levels; one example is the social support they receive from their surroundings. The findings from prior studies have demonstrated that social support is a positive coping mechanism for dealing with stress and psychological adjustment by improving functioning and acting as a buffer against adverse outcomes. To fill a gap in the literature on Asian international students’ acculturative stress levels, specifically those who originated from Indonesia, this research was conducted to determine whether perceived social support predicts students’ acculturative stress levels.
On 24 November 2023, the class of Mental Disorder course embarked on a compelling field trip to RSJ Soerojo Magelang, a hospital renowned for its specialization in caring for mentally impaired patients. The experience provided a unique opportunity for students to explore the complexities of treating and managing individuals with mental disabilities. The students were granted the chance to explore the corridors of RSJ Soerojo Magelang, where they could visit various facilities and wards specifically designed for the care and treatment of mentally impaired patients.
On November 4, the class of Life-Span Development Psychology conducted a field study on an orphanage in Kulon Progo. A group of IUP and exchange students, accompanied by two professors and two teaching assistants, embarked on a field trip to Panti Asuhan Ash-Shiddiqiyah in Kulon Progo. Upon their arrival, they were graciously welcomed by the facility’s administrators and the foster children.
While enjoying snacks, the students engaged in conversations with the foster children, who represented a diverse range of backgrounds. Some hailed from regions beyond the island, others were not orphans but came from economically disadvantaged families, and a few were brought to the orphanage by the community. In total, there were 28 children, spanning various age groups and educational levels, including preschoolers, primary and secondary school students, and those in high school, Islamic boarding schools, and university. The foster children shared valuable insights into the support they receive from donors, with some former foster children now contributing as donors themselves. During the interaction, male students showcased a traditional performance known as “hadrah” as a gesture of welcome.
Three students from IUP Psychology 2021, Naida Ghozalba, Radia Maharani, and Aidine Afiga, successfully took part in the 2nd Thailand International Conference (TICP) to present their research findings. In March 2023, they got a broadcast from WhatsApp regarding the conduct of an international conference that will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on August 4, 2023, titled the 2nd Thailand International Conference on Psychology (TICP) 2023. The conference’s main topic is Psychology for Health and Well-being in the BANI World. They must join a selection to be the presenter by conducting research, creating the abstract, and sending it as the selection material. They can present their research at the event if the abstract is accepted. At first, Naida was interested, but she felt hesitant about joining the event. A few days after getting the broadcast message, Naida was talking with Aidine and Tani about the conference, and it turns out they were interested in joining it.
Masniary Hapsari ‘Oik’ was a student in IUP Psychology from Batch 2017. After graduating from IUP Psychology in 2021, she needed clarification about the career she wanted to pursue. She tried to explore career opportunities in Psychology and finally became an assistant psychologist at Biro Psikologi Intuisi, Yogyakarta. Nearing the end of the contract, she realized that she loved working with children, especially those with disabilities. This aligns with her prior motivation to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in the first place. On the other hand, she also wanted to continue further education and immediately recognized the urgency of finding a financial sponsorship to ease her parents. She tried to apply for the Chevening Scholarship, but it didn’t turn out how she hoped. Feeling down, she realized that experiences are necessary for pursuing a master’s degree.