A Booklet: Maintaining Family Relationship Through The Covid-19 Pandemic
This booklet is created by Beatrice Febe Fedolina, Francisca Galuh Sekar, Margaretha Galuh Martha. The booklet explains how to build a strong and positive relationship in a family and how to manage stress and crisis that arises in the family by mentioning ways to build a positive communication within the family during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that this booklet will give understanding and be a reminder to families that to go through this crisis, it takes patience and understanding to create a strong bond, and getting through it together is all that matters.
Download the booklet by clicking the photo!
A video: Past and Reconciliation of Pandemics
This video is created by Ahnaf Rafif and So Wey Thao. The history of pandemics provides useful information for understanding resilience behaviors by people across life-span and generations. It provides data that people have survived pandemics by the combination between medicine, psychosocial, government, and self. Moreover, there area lot of factors that address resiliency levels, which are personalities, traits, environments, cumulative past experiences etc. Therefore, in order to frame the pandemic as a challenge for achieving higher mental states, people need to acknowledge Covid-19 as a disaster. It might help people in response to adjusting and working together with all elements and ease Covid-19. While technology advances, global health care reassures many interventions and precautions to help ease health anxiety during pandemic as well.
A Digital Story Book and Habit Trackers

Amelia Jasmine and Sarah Hannah Madari created a digital storybook and also habit trackers in English version and also in Bahasa Indonesia version. Our storybook provides clickable choice conditions which allow readers to determine what action they want to do. Experience it here: https://cloudnovel.net/troparah/novel/10-ways
As such family structure and problems within our story are really common to be found in most families across cultures, we believe the content of our story book is neutral to both local and global contexts. Also, as we segmented our book into two languages: Indonesian and English, we managed to deliver the same story with a different writing style for each language to avoid a rigidity in some phrasings. Hence, both Indonesian and English-speaking readers will be able to enjoy and to receive the same message of our story. Also please have a look at our habit trackers! You may download it here:
The Bahasa Indonesia version: /docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10N_8qKqmd2CaObEnH4KKrPVj3K10K0k-EXkNsSm0no4/edit?usp=sharing
The English version: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pHP67GU3PzNKfvupFd0dentWif4OEGJ7gdcHW8pfEQc/edit?usp=sharing
A Website: Mental Health Resource for COVID-19
This is a website created by Akmal Naseery, Almeira Hadi, Geraldin Noverina. This site contains a compilation of helpful tips, guides, and resources related to mental health in the pandemic era. Please note that the majority of the resources such as articles and hotlines given in this website are for those living in Indonesia. Nonetheless, we hope that this site will be beneficial to anyone who reads through it. Feel free to have a browse! It will include information from John DeFrain, Grant Blashki, Ruth Wraith, and Stanley Kutcher’s lectures from the summer course. Furthermore, evidence-based strategies will also be incorporated from existing journal articles and publications e.g. Psychological First Aid guide by WHO. Go to the site here: https://covidcheckpoint.wixsite.com/mentalhealth
FAMBAM Magazine
We proudly present to you, the IAE Projects Outcome for CMPH Online Lecture Series 2020: FAMBAM! – Is Your Family Ready to Face the Crisis? A digital mini magazine by Bethari Alamanda, Firial Ghannia, and Sabrina Andjani from batch 2018.
The FAMBAM! Mini Digital Magazine focused on Families’ management of stress and crisis. This project aimed to educate families in finding resolutive ways of dealing with ups and bumps that happen during the COVID-19 pandemic with their fresh and unique contents inside! Go and download it right away on http://bit.ly/MagazineFBM
30 Days Journal Challenge
30 Days Journal Challenge by Azalea Astina Yutari, IUP Psychology’s student batch 2019.
The 30 Days Journal Challenge is a psychological project focused on positive communication as a base for building stronger family relationships during the Pandemic of COVID – 19. It’s a downloadable family platform that contains fun collective tasks and games to help families enhance their mental health condition during the Pandemic of COVID-19 (e.g. giving compliments to others, sharing one’s view of something, etc.).
Go and download it right away on http://ugm.id/30dayschallenge